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2012 IWC Portuguese Replica Awards For Enterprise - Five Laureates From Five Continents

Erika Cuellar (Bolivia) Erika Cuellar has worked in participatory conservation for more than a decade at Kaa-Iya del Gran Chaco. This park is the largest national park in Bolivia. She trained the Guarani people how to manage their habitat. This tropical dry forest is home to 70 large mammals including pumas, jaguars and giant armadillos.

Cuellar will now move on to the Gran Chaco region. This area includes parts of Bolivia and Brazil as well as Paraguay, Argentina, Paraguay, Paraguay, Paraguay, and Paraguay. The natural wealth of the park, which includes 400 plant species, 500 bird species and 150 mammal species, has been systematically destroyed for over a century.Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore Replica This has placed guanacos (wild ancestors to domesticated llamas) in danger.

Cuellar trained three ethnic groups, Guarani, Ayoreode, and Chiquitano, five years ago to be parabiologists in order help these species and their habitat. These parabiologists are native residents and play an important role in spreading conservation values to native communities. Cuellar hopes to expand her work in Argentina and Paraguay so that locals have a long-term, sustainable employment option.

Mark Kendall, 40, Australia. Professor Mark Kendall at the University of Queensland's bio-engineering research centre is working on a highly effective and inexpensive method to combat infectious diseases, which annually kill millions.

Vaccines can often prevent fatalities. The traditional syringe and needle method, which was invented in 1853 has some drawbacks. It is also expensive and not always feasible. Professor Kendall's Nanopatch method will increase efficiency while greatly reducing infection risk and all associated costs, including transport.Best Replica Watches Nanopatch is also non-refrigerant because it has been coated with dry vaccine.

Aggrey Olino, KenyaAfter completing his studies in the USA Aggrey Olino returned to Korogocho, his hometown (Nairobi’s fourth-largest Slum), to improve the health and empower the people. Under poor sanitation and deep poverty, around 200,000 people live on 1.5km2 of Korogocho.

Because of the scarcity of staff and medical facilities,IWC Portuguese Replica 300 mothers experience post-partum hemorhage each year. 200 babies also die from it every year. The maternal mortality rate is also high. About 700 women per 100,000 people die in the United States, while 13 of 100,000 Americans do so.

Aggrey Otieno is therefore planning to create a telemedicine center with a doctor on call and a van that will provide 24-hour care. This should help prevent many deaths. He will also use his IWC Portuguese Replica Award funds for training birth attendants in how to quickly detect complications, so they can alert qualified workers at the centre when an urgent situation arises.

IWC Portuguese Replica